Alpaca Toenails

Alpaca Toenails

Alpaca toenails need to be trimmed every six weeks for white/pink toenails and every ten to twelve weeks for dark coloured toenails we have the task of trimming our alpacas’ toenails. This is because the soft ground of Australia does not wear down their nails.

Signs that it is time to trim your alpaca’s toenails:

  • toenails are curled and visible on the side of the alpaca’s foot

  • toenails are turning to the side and are no longer “straight” in appearance

  • your alpaca is walking with a slight bend in the lower leg

  • you can hear a clicking noise when you walk them on gravel or concrete floor

  • the toenail disappears into the grass and you cannot see the end of it

Alpaca toenails should be flat with the base/pad of their foot.

Other animals that have similar toes to alpacas:

  • Alpacas like horses need their toenails trimmed regularly as they keep growing out and are unlikely to break off;

  • Like dogs and cats, alpacas have a soft pad on the bottom of their foot. In addition, you need to be careful not to cut too far down as you will get the quick (the blood vessel which runs down the centre of the nail).

Alpaca toenail cutters/clippers

There are many different techniques and toenail clippers/cutters available.

Can you cut your alpaca's toenails while they are sitting?

While standing is preferred, cutting toenails while your alpaca sits is okay provided you are not bending their leg on an angle it’s not designed to. It is always best if you have somebody to hold the alpaca while you trim their toenails.

First time cutting alpaca toenails?

If you have never trimmed your alpaca's toenails or need assistance or are unsure, it is best that you contact your local breeder for assistance. Most breeders in Victoria, Australia are more than willing to show you how to hold your alpaca, how to cut your alpaca's toenails and the different techniques you can use.