The Alpaca Dentist

Alpacas, like humans and horses, need to see the dentist every now and again. We are lucky in Victoria to have the Alpaca Dentist, Alison Quagliani. Alison is very experienced and handles all our alpacas with care. The reasons why we have our alpacas seen by a dentist include overgrown incisors which impact their chewing, sharp teeth, if an alpaca is experiencing a loss of weight that is unexplained by other factors, fighting teeth and for a teeth check-up. Stud males, in particular, require their fighting teeth to be trimmed regularly to prevent injuries. Male alpacas will fight one another for dominance, especially when near females. As such, having their fighting teeth trimmed to remove the pointy tip ensures the safety of our wether's that we paddock with them, us and others.

Before Albert's (a wether) front incisors are trimmed. Albert is four years of age and has already lost his baby teeth.

After Albert's front incisors are trimmed and cleaned. The trimming will allow him to chew better as the teeth now meet his top palette.

Before Andamooka's (Female Alpaca) front incisors are trimmed. She had not received dental work at previous owners so this was her first dentist expierence at nearly five years of age.

After Andamooka's (Female Alpaca) front incisors are trimmed. Callus visible where her incisors were rubbing.

Find out more about alpaca dentistry at: